Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010

United We Fall and Divided We Stand

���������������������������� FIND YOUR SPINE
No I didn't get my� "title" an age old adage upside down� and wrong.� Sadly it is the state that we find our nation in,� and its people are headed towards an actual physical clash of civil disobedience.

I usually try to highlight the differences between ideologies not by pointing fingers but by trying to hold both sides accountable.

However I feel in this instance when one side keeps pushing it is only going to be a matter of time before the other side pushes back.� That is if they ever get a spine.

As usual its the neo-con chickenhawks in our society fueling the ignorant with lies and misinformation to stoke hatred and fear, for their own corrupt corporate gains and to take care of their contributors and to fuck their constituents.� Instead of arming the right wing with policy talking points, and legitimate information to counter the left they (leaders and spokespersons from the right) are arming them with the encouragement of violence and subversion.� Counting again on the inability of a certain segment of society to know the difference between a disservice or a service.�

When people are shouting out "keep government out of my medicare",� you know they are ignorant dumb asses marching to the orders of O'Reilly and Limbaugh.

They call for them to compare the leaders of the left to Hitler, they preach to them the ills of socialism, and lie to them saying that part of health reform entails the government to euthanize the elderly.

When people are supporting the continuation of the preexisting clause in health insurance and the escalating costs of even the shitiest HMO,� you can be sure that they are ill informed especially when they actually think that the government wants to euthanize them, and that Obama is not an American citizen.� If you believe in any of the things mentioned in this paragraph then there is a good chance that we will remain a divided country from here on out.

Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh to name a few along with some elected officials from the right are on a daily crusade to cause physical harm to elected officials from the left and in general anyone that doesn't buy into their sick version of conservatism.

They and others like them are taking the principles of conservatism and are distorting the truth about matters that will help all Americans.� They like to hide behind the shield of conservatism while spewing hatred and hoping for the worst possible outcome of left wing policies without any regard for America or Americans.

They are no better than the Islamic terrorist that hide behind their religion to propel their agenda at any cost too.

When Bush and company had to deal with 9/11 the whole country rallied behind him including the left, not to mention most of the world.

Now with America facing two wars, rising unemployment, record home foreclosures, a collapsing economy on the brink of a deep recession or depression.� Where was the support from the right?

Maybe it is time for this country to split.� I am certain that I don't want to live in a country where the ideals of this type of conservatism are shoved down my throat.

Whatever happened to the Eisenhower Republicans? Now that was principled conservatism that you could live with.

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