Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2011

Home computer to the rescue

B? grateful goodness f?r computers, eh?

Wh?t a lifesaver?especially wh?n ???r television packs up ???t ?t th? incorrect moment.

An? wh?t moment ????? b? more disastrous th?n ???r 32? TV vacant kaput three summary before kick-?ff ?f th? m??t vital match England h?? ???r played. (Although perhaps th? way th?? ?r? playing EVERY match ?? th? m??t vital match th?? h??? ???r played!)

A?? th? staff ?t Eflex Computers h?? come ?n t? work two early ?? th?? ????? knock ?ff two hours early t? watch England take ?n Slovenia ?n th? crucial, m??t-win game.

Gary, Paul, Kirstie, ?n? Jan h?? ??? ?h??? t? ?? t? th? pub ? b?t family-man Alex h?? promised t? watch th? match w?th h?? kids wh? h?? ???? b??n allowed t? ?? home early (nice t? see th? education system gets th??r priorities r??ht sometimes!)

S? wh??? Gary ?n? th? others w?r? supping beer ?n? nibbling pork scratchings w?th three summary t? ?? before kick-?ff, Alex w?? busy getting th? lemonade, ?n? Pringles together ?n a tray.

H? w?? ?n th? kitchen signing ?Three Lions On A Shirt? quite loudly t? himself, wh?n h? w?? interrupted b? th? sound ?f h?? son ?n? daughter screaming:

Dad! Dad! Th? telly?s gone! Th? telly?s gone!

Alex r??h?? ?n t? find a smoking Goodmans smouldering away ?n th? smoke-grey tabletop, ?n? puts h?? hands t? h?? head ?n utter dismay.

?D? something, dad,? th? kids scream, ??? something!?

It w?? obvious b? th? wisps ?f grey emanating fr?m th? back ?f th? set th?t ?t wasn?t a simple fuse problem.

Okay, ???? Alex ?n h?? ??????t voice. Th?r??s ?n?? one thing t? ?? ? reach f?r th? loft!

Wh?t? h?? kids wail.

Th? spare TV, ?f course.

B?t ?t?s ?n?? a 14? ?n? anyway, ?t doesn?t h??? a scart socket.

Oh yeah, ???? Alex.

Come ?n dad, ?n?? a minute t? ??.

Wh?t ?b??t th? PC, ???? h?? daughter knowingly. Of course! thinks Alex. Wh? didn?t I r??k?n ?f th?t? B?????? ????re a twit, ???? h?? son under h?? breath, ?? Alex r??h?? over t? th??r AMD home computer ?n? ?t?s glorious 19-inch widescreen monitor, super VGA graphics, ?n? mega q???k 160 gig hard drive! Ultimate f?r a family w?th childish children, th? AM3 Sempron processor m?k?? ?t perfect f?r day-t?-day home ?n? office ?????n? f?r watching live television streaming!

An? within seconds, Alex h?? ??t th? home computer up ?n? running, ???t ?n time t? see Wayne Rooney ?t?r?n? ?t th?m during th? national anthems.

Phew! S?? h?? kids, th?t w?? close. An? England m??? sure th?? ??t one-step closer t? th?t elusive prize ? th? World Cup ? w?th a f?nt??t?? Jermain Defoe strike, ?n? a much better ???-around ?h?w, th?t leaves ??? ?t Eflex shouting once over again: Come On England!

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