Dienstag, 22. Februar 2011

Just in time for the Holiday?s: RAM!

Rational Asset Manager (RAM) improves on some of the features we delivered in September:

  • Supports OSLC based linking, and Eclipse client integration with RTC 3.0
  • Enhances our OSLC for Requirements Management support to include linking Assets with Requirements in Rational DOORS
  • Supports Rational Insight data warehousing and ETL for uber reporting!
  • You can use a policy on your assets to launch an automation project in Rational Build Forge, e.g: when a deploy-able asset such as an EAR get approved, it can automatically invoke an automation project to get it deployed
  • The ?modify reviewer? policy has been improved to support configuring collaboration options, and adding user groups dynamically based on your asset attribute
  • Copy attributes between assets
  • ? and more!

You learn more about this release on the Rational Asset Manager New and Noteworthy page!

On behalf of the entire team, Happy New Year!

-Derek Baron

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Source: http://rationalassetmanager.wordpress.com/2010/12/30/just-in-time-for-the-holidays-ram-7-5-0-1/

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